Category: Fried Chicken
Ayam Bumbu Sate 2 KG Chicken Wing 200 gm #IbuSegalaRempah 2 tbs Coriander Fennel Mix 2 tsp Turmeric powder 3 tbs Sugar 2 tsp Salt Combined all ingredients and marinate… [Continue Reading]
This recipe is an adaption from my late Grandma, Nenek Salmiah’s recipe. As a kid I remembered the aroma and flavor of this fried chicken. This memory was rekindled when… [Continue Reading]
This is the latest fried chicken recipe that I unveiled during my Cooking & Sharing Session 08. Alhamdulillah it was well received. I fried 2 batches of chicken wings, and… [Continue Reading]
[Ayam Goreng BaNya)] The inspiration for this recipe came about as today our Cooking & Sharing has a Peranakan theme. Ayam Goreng (Fried Chicken) BaNya 12 pcs Chicken Wings (Cut… [Continue Reading]
[Ayam Goreng berinspirasikan citarasa Nusantara] The inspiration for creating this recipe came when I was expecting my Malaysian and Indonesian guests recently. Ayam Goreng (Fried Chicken) Malindo 10 pcs Chicken… [Continue Reading]
Ayam Goreng Pedas ala Thai Spicy Thai Styled Chicken Wings (air fried) 6 pcs Chicken Wings (cut into 2) 50 gm #IbuSegalaRempah 2 tsp Thai Ground Chilli (Add more for… [Continue Reading]
Ayam Goreng Berempah 1 Whole Chicken (Cut into 12 pieces) 100 gm #IbuSegalaRempah 3 tbs #TAGPakUsu 1 tbs Briyani Massala Powder 1 tbs Meat Curry Powder 2 tbs Coriander Fennel… [Continue Reading]
Ayam Goreng Kicap Soy Fried Chicken 12 pcs Chicken cuts (I used 6 Chicken Wings) 50 gm #IbuSegalaRempah 1 tbs Ginger paste 1 tbs Coriander Fennel Mixture 2 tbs Sweet… [Continue Reading]