Debal “Devil” Curry

Debal “Devil” Curry

  • 1 whole Chicken (cut into pieces and marina te with Salt & Pepper)
  • 4 pcs Chicken Frank (Hotdog) (each cut into 4s)
  • 100 gm #IbuSegalaRempah
  • 1 tsp Thai Chili Flakes (optional can be substituted with chopped vhili padi for that extra spiciness)
  • 1 tbs Mustard Seed
  • 2 tbs White Vinegar
  • 2 nos Peeled potatoes (cut quarters)
  • 1 bowl Water
  • 2 tbs Cooking Oil
  • Salt & Sugar to taste
  1. Heat oil in a large pot. Add in the mustard seeds. Once they starts to pop add in the chicken.

  2. Browned the chicken for 1 minute. Add in the rest of the ingredients except vinegar.

  3. Let it simmer for 5 to 10 minutes, until the potatoes are fork tender.

  4. Add in the vinegar. Taste and adjust seasoning. Debal or Devil Curry ready to be served

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