Char Kway Teow

an easy to remember 421 Char Kway Teow recipe

Char Kway Teow

My easy to remember 421 recipe

  • 500 gm Flat Rice Noodle (Kway Teow)
  • 1 cup Bean sprouts
  • 2 stems Mustard Green (cut lengthwise)
  • 4 cloves Garlic (chopped)
  • 2 nos Eggs
  • 1 stem Spring Onion or Chives (cut 2 cm lengthwise)
  • 4 nos Small Lime
  • ¼ cup Cockles
  • 1 pc Fish Cake (Sliced)
  • 2 tbs Cooking Oil


  • 4 tbs Dark Soy Sauce
  • 2 tbs Light Soy Sauce
  • 1 tbs Fish Sauce
  • 1 tbs Sweet Sambal
  1. Heat oil in a wok then saute garlic till it turns colour. Stir in the sliced fish cake.

  2. Toss in Mustard Green and give it a stir till wilted a little.

  3. Stir in the flat noodle. Quickly add in the seasoning and mixed thoroughly.

  4. Cracked in the egg, briefly stir.

  5. Add in the cock;es and stir.

  6. Finally toss in the bean sprouts and spring onion/chives. Stir briefly then turn off the heat. Char Kway Teow ready to be served with small lime.

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