Serunding – Coconut Floss

A condiment usually added on to Lontong, Nasi Sambal Goreng , Nasi Ambeng etc, without which that meal is incomplete. A simple condiment yet its rather complex with over 10 ingredients to make it and you will only need  1 tablespoon to make that Nasi Ambeng a Nasi Ambeng. The following is my recipe for Serunding Kelapa or Coconut Floss that’s cooked based on #IbuSegalaRempah.

Serunding – Coconut Floss

  • 200 gm White grated coconut
  • 50 gm #IbuSegalaRempah
  • 1 tsp Coriander Fennel Mix
  • 25 gm Dark Brown Sugar (Gula Merah)
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 1/2 tsp Tamarind paste
  • 1 pc Turmeric leave (tear into pieces)
  • 2 pcs Kaffir lime leave (removed stem and tear into pieces)
  1. Combine and mix all the ingredients into a wok.
  2. Turn on the heat. Set to low fire.
  3. Start tossing the mixture, ensure that they are mixed evenly.
  4. Continue tossing on and off, stop to taste. It should not be wet nor dry but moist. Turn off the heat and quickly transfer the Coconut floss into a serving bowl.

This stores well in freezer, I would suggest portion them to serving size and  keep them in small zip log bags before storing in the freezer.

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