Chicken Black Pepper ISR

With our #IbuSegalaRempah you can easily experiment creating new recipe in your kitchen. It is really fun with no more than 5 additional ingredients one is able to present a wholesome dish for the family. The BONUS is when you received positive responses. Following is the recipe of Chicken Black Pepper that use our #IbuSegalaRempah as its base ingredients.

Chicken Black Pepper ISR

  • Half Chicken (cut into 8 pieces, seasoned with a little salt)
  • 75 gm #IbuSegalaRempah
  • 2 medium size Potato (quartered)
  • 2 tbs Dark Soya Sauce
  • 1 pc Chicken Stock Cube ((I used Knorr with NO MSG))
  • 1 tsp Crushed Black Pepper
  • 2 tbs Cooking Oil
  • 1 bowl Water
  • Salat & Sugar if necessary
  1. Heat oil in a sauce pan, then add the chicken to brown for about 5 minutes.
  2. Next add in all the ingredients except for the seasonings. Allow to boil then then turn down the heat to simmer.
  3. Simmer till the potato are soft and the gravy has reduced to a thick consistency.
  4. Turn off the heat and the dish is ready to be served.

If pressure cooking, can halved the amount of  water used.

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