Mee Jawa or Mee Rebus

I discovered this from one of my cook books, after examining the recipes and refer to the internet for similar recipe,  I realised it resembles  the Mee Rebus that I’ve eaten and cooked all this while. I am so happy that I can add this to the list of dishes that can be cooked using #IbuSegalaRempah as its base ingredient. The original recipe call for about half kilo of beef but I only have beef ribs leftover from last CNY meal, I used that instead.

Mi Rebus or Mi Jawa

  • 500 gm Beef (Boiled till tender, keep the beef stock.)
  • 100 gm #IbuSegalaRempah
  • 3 tbs Meat Curry Powder (Mix with water into a paste)
  • 15 gm Dried Baby shrimp (Geragau) (Soaked for 10 minutes, drained and blend with a little water into a paste)
  • 500 gm Sweet Potato (Boiled till tender and mashed)
  • 2 pcs Chicken or Beef stock cube
  • Beef stock
  • Water as needed
  • Salt & Sugar to taste

Serving suggestions

  • Yellow Egg Noodle (Blanched)
  • Beansprouts (Blanched)
  • Hard boiled egg
  • Tau Kwa (Fried and sliced)
  • Chinese Celery (Chopped and as garnish)
  • Spring Onion (Chopped and as garnish)
  • Red & Green Chilies (Sliced and as garnish)
  • Small Lime
  • Fried Shallots (“)
  • Boiled Beef (Sliced)
  1. Combined all ingredients, except boiled beef and seasonings into a large sauce pan. Put it to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes. Seasoned to taste and add water to the preferred consistency.

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