Mi Kuah ala Mamak

Mi Kuah ala Mamak

  • 1 portion Choice of Noodle (blanched)
  • 1 portion Boiled Mutton (sliced)
  • 1 portion Shredded Cabbage (blanched)
  • 1 portion Green Mustard (blanched)
  • 1` portion Tomato (quarted)
  • 1 portion Boiled Potato (cubed)

The Soup

  • 1 portion Mutton Boneseak Sauce
  • 1 portion Mutton Stock
  • 2 whole Egg
  • 1/2 cup Tomato sauce
  • Sugar to taste


  • 1 portion Green Chili (cut)
  • 1 portion Dried Shallots
  • 1 portion Chinese Parsley
  • 1 portion Spring Onion
  1. in a stock pot put to boil Mutton stock, bnesteak sauce, tomato sauce and sugar.“

  2. Adjust taste as desired.

  3. In a small bowl, lightly beat the eggs.

  4. Stir the boiling soup simultaneously slowly pour the bitten egg into the stock pot

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