Ayam Goreng ala Nek Sal

This recipe is an adaption from my late Grandma, Nenek Salmiah’s recipe. As a kid I remembered the aroma and flavor of this fried chicken. This memory was rekindled when we when for Hari Raya visitation. To cut the story short, I asked my cousin for the recipe and she could only give me the agak2 version. I did some testing and believed my recipe comes close to third or fourth to what my Grandma used to make.

Ayam Goreng ala Nek Sal

  • 1 whole Chicken (cut into small pieces about 10 to 12 pieces)
  • 50 gm #IbuSegalaRempah
  • 1 tbs Coriander Fennel Mix
  • 1 tbs Ginger Paste
  • 15 gm Sugar
  • 15 gm Chicken Seasoning Powder
  • 7 gm (Salt)
  • 15 gm White Vinegar
  • Oil for deep frting or Air Fried
  1. Combined all the ingredients and marinate for a least 1 hour or overnight in the fridge.
  2. Deep fried till cooked or Air Fried at 180C for 15 minutes.

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