Spicy Belacan (Shrimp Paste) Fried Chicken

This is the latest fried chicken recipe that I unveiled during my Cooking & Sharing Session 08. Alhamdulillah it was well received. I fried 2 batches of chicken wings, and the feedback I received the one marinated the day before was more flavourful. Hence if you have the time to try out this recipe, marinate the chicken overnight.

Spicy Belacan (Shrimp Paste) Fried Chicken

  • 1-2 KG Chicken Wings
  • 50 gm #IbuSegalaRempah
  • 25 gm Toasted Shrimp Paste (Belacan Bakar)
  • 10 gm Thai Chili Flakes (or 5 Chopped 5 Red Chili Padi)
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 25 gm Sugar
  • Oil for deep frying or to be Air Fried
  1. Combined all ingredients and leave it to marinate for at least 30 minutes in the fridge. Best to marinate overnight a more flavourful chicken.

  2. Deep fry the chicken they are cooked or Air Fried at 180C for 15 to 17 minutes.

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