Very often I cook for family and friends and in order to save time, I will always prepare the blended ingredients and store them in the refrigerator, to facilitate me when I want to cook later. Every time I cook, I noticed that the same ingredients are used in my cooking. One day I started to surf the Internet and made a comparison on common recipes such assam fish, rendang, sambal goreng, Nyonya Peranakan dishes and so on. I found there were similarities. The only difference being each recipe uses different portions of
ingredients and requires additional ingredients such as tomatoes, aromatic herbs, spices and others. This discovery heightened my interest to continue studying and listing dishes that use the same or nearly the same base ingredients. At the same time I try to develop ONE spice mix recipe that can be used to cook these dishes. I had to be precise to ensure a consistent spice mix, I no longer can cook based on “agak-agak” (estimates) or “main campak saja” (just toss in the ingredients). It took me about 1 year to research for recipes and to develop ONE spice mix with the right flavour to produce over 20 other dishes. I started cooking with this spice mix and I gave samples to my sisters to try it. Thank God I received positive feedback and they even came out with new recipes which I have included here.
My main objective, when I first thought about this spice mix is none other than to make it easier and faster for me to cook.
To help busy housewives, working mums, anyone who loves to cook or anyone who wants to try cooking home cooked meals. To make a spice mix available to the masses and sharing recipes with them too.
I hope with lesser time preparing ingredients to cook, it will encourage more young people
and families to try home cooked food which I believe can be much healthier. Cooking for the
loved ones must not be a chore but something that is to be done with Passion, from the
Heart and with lots of Love.

#IbuSegalaRempah - Its No Secret
- Chili Paste
- Onion
- garlic
- Lemongrass
- Ginger
- Galanggal
- Turmeric
Dear Chef Sir, how to order the spice mix
Hi, thank you. Its only available in Singapore.