Air Fried Spiced Yoghurt Chicken Wing

Air Fried Spice Chicken Wing with Yoghurt

  • 10 pieces Chicken Wing (Can be substitute with a whole chicken cut into 10 or 12 pieces)
  • 100 gm #IbuSegalaRempah
  • 1 tbs Meat Curry Powder
  • 1 tbs Briyani Massala
  • 1 tbs Coriander Fennel Mix (*refer to How To)
  • 6 tbs Yoghurt
  • Salt & Sugar to taste
  1. Combined all ingredients in a mixing bowl. Mix well.
  2. Set aside for at least 30 mins to marinate or over night in the fridge.
  3. Pre heat Air Fryer at 180 degrees. Once preheated arrange the chicken pieces in the Air Fryer, Do NOT overlap. Set timer for 15 minutes.
  4. Once timer is up, set aside and continue with the rest of the chicken.

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