Kacang Phool

One of the must have that our late Mum will prepare for the family during the month o f Ramadhan. A simple dish to prepare especially on the 1st day of fasting.

Kacang Phool

  • 2 cans Broad Beans (Washed, drained and mashed)
  • 2 cans Chickpeas (Washed, drained and mashed)
  • 2 cans Baked Beans (Washed and drained)
  • 2 large Yellow onion (Chopped)
  • 6 tbs Meat Curry Powder
  • 500 ml Water
  • 5 tbs olive oil
  • 2 pc Chicken Stock cube
  • 2 tsp Salt or to taste
  1. Heat oil in a large pot. Saute onion till soft.
  2. Mix curry powder with a little water into a paste. Add to the pot, stir constantly to prevent from getting burnt. Stir until oil separates.
  3. Stir in the water together with the mashed beans. Cooked for about 5 minutes till the mixture thickens,

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