Nyonya Laksa Gravy

Kuah Laksa Nyonya

Nyonya Laksa Gravy

  • 100 gm #IbuSega;aRempah
  • 2 litre Prawn Stock
  • 200 ml Coconut milk
  • 250 ml Low Fat Milk
  • 30 gm Dried Shrimp (soaked for 10 minutes and pounded)
  • 1 pc Chicken Stok cube
  • 15 gm Pounded Candlenut
  • 1 stalk Ginger Torch (Bunga Kantan) (Chopped or sliced)
  • 5 gm Ground Toasted Shrimp Paste (Belacan)
  • 5 gm Salt
  1. Combine all ingredients in a large saucepan. Bring it to boil and allow to simmer for 10 minutes.
  2. Gravy served piping hot over a bed blanched rice noodles and beansprout.

Laksa leaves  (Daun Kesum or Vietnames Basil) is a must have garnish for laksa.

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